What is Business Insurance?

What is Business Insurance?

Business insurance” is the umbrella term for the many types of coverage a business can opt to buy. From commercial general liability insurance to errors & omissions insurance, there are many options for protecting your business. Some policies are required by law, and others are highly recommended; it all depends on the state where your business is located.

As a small business owner, insurance coverage can provide you significant peace of mind. If you don’t have coverage, you may be personally responsible for any financial claims made against you.

Buying business insurance can seem complicated, but we here at Simply Business aim to make it much easier. We’ll help you find the right business coverage for you with just a few details about your business, like:

  • How many employees do you have?
  • Did you just start your business, or have you been in business for a while?
  • Do you work with subcontractors? If so, how many?
  • What is your estimated revenue for the year?
  • Where is your business located?
  • What is your business’s trade/specialty?

If you have any questions about your business insurance, you can always call one of our licensed insurance agents to chat!

Want to know more about business insurance? Check out:

Is Your Business Insured?

Whether you’re shopping for a brand-new policy or comparing policy prices, we can help you find affordable protection that’s personalized to your needs. Start your quote here!

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