
The Power of Positive Planning — Celebrating National Planner Day


Congratulations! After years of grit and determination, you’re finally the boss. But if time management is not your superpower, all your hard work could be squandered. Well, you’re in luck. August 1st is National Planner Day, and we’re celebrating with tips on harnessing the power of positive planning. So get ready to conquer the world, one well-scheduled day at a time!

Why It Can Make Sense to Use a Planner for Your Business

Spending too much time putting out fires? Here are a few ways a planner can help you manage the chaos and work smarter:

1. Master time management: Small business owners like you often have limited resources, including time. A planner can help you optimize your productivity by scheduling tasks, appointments, and deadlines.

2. Set goals and prioritize: Still feeling overwhelmed? You can track your progress and stay focused by writing down your objectives and breaking them into actionable steps. And with a planner, you can itemize tasks based on their importance, and set up notifications to meet deadlines.

3. Conquer collaboration: Is your day spent herding cats? Digital planners can foster improved communication and collaboration with team members.

4. Stymie stress: A clear plan can reduce the potential stress and anxiety of running a small business. And keeping track of completed tasks may give you a much-needed boost to build momentum and stay positive.

What Type of Planner Should You Use?

A planner is only effective if you use it! So it’s essential that you choose a planner that works for you and your business. Before you get started on your planning journey, let’s review the pros and cons of various options.

1. Paper versus digital?

Are you an old-school paper lover or a digital maven? Both have their unique perks and drawbacks.

Paper pros:

  • Improve focus and recall: When it comes to planning, I’m a paper person all day long. It’s just too easy for me to ignore a to-do list on my cluttered computer. And studies show that writing things down by hand can enhance focus and lead to better memory retention.
  • Reduce screen-time distractions: Using a paper planner allows you to disconnect from digital devices and their endless notifications. Your computer-weary eyes may thank you!
  • No batteries or Wi-Fi needed: Paper planners don’t require power or Wi-Fi, so you won’t have to worry about losing access during crucial times.

Paper cons:

  • Limited searchability: Are you constantly forgetting where you scribbled an important note? Me too! Finding older information in a paper planner can be time-consuming and stressful.
  • Less portable: Carrying around a bulky notebook might be inconvenient, especially if you need to manage a lot of information.
  • Less flexible: Let’s face it — making changes on paper can get messy and confusing.
  • No reminders: Paper planners can’t remind you of upcoming events, so you’ll need to rely on your memory to stay on track.

Digital pros:

  • Enhanced organization: Digital planners often come with features like color coding, tagging, and seamless editing, making it simpler to keep things in order.
  • Easy access: Finding past information is quick, as many digital planners have search functions and can be accessed from multiple devices.
  • Handy alerts: Digital planners can send you reminders for upcoming tasks and events, helping you stay on task.
  • Improve collaboration: Teamwork makes the dream work, and some online planners allow you to collaborate seamlessly with your team.

Digital cons:

  • Learning curve: If you’re not tech-savvy, you may find digital planners frustrating.
  • Screen fatigue: Having a digital planner can be great for business. But constantly looking at screens and responding to notifications can cause eye strain and burnout.
  • Security and privacy concerns: Storing personal information online can increase your risk of data breaches or unauthorized acces

2. Size matters

You know that piece of clothing you love but never wear it because it’s not quite the right fit? Well, the same is true for business tools. And when it comes to finding the right planner, size matters.

A pocket planner is a great way to jot down notes on the fly, but it may be too small to keep track of all your tasks. Whereas, a medium-sized paper planner can fit in a purse or backpack and offers enough real estate for detailed to-do lists. Larger paper planners will have more room for notes, but you might find yourself leaving it behind on the desk.

3. Love your layout

Are you looking to plan daily, weekly, or monthly? Each layout offers unique advantages, and it’s important to find one that works for your equally unique style:

  • Daily planners: These planners typically have a full page dedicated to one day, and a daily planner app can be a great option if you like to plan your life down to the minute.
  • Weekly planners: If staring at a detailed daily layout makes your head spin, consider a weekly planning format. This layout is ideal for tracking key appointments and reminders. And some come with a sidebar for notes and tasks such as this digital app.
  • Monthly planners: Want a bird’s-eye view of your work month? Check out these snazzy monthly calendar apps and paper planners.

4. Simple or supercharged?

If you’re a one-person band who loves simplicity, a basic paper planner may fit the bill. But if you work with high-powered teams and need to constantly collaborate, you may want to consider a more robust to-do app such as ClickUp or Trello. These apps allow teams to plan, visualize, and assign work using dashboards and highly customizable cards.

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Let’s Get Planning!

With its ability to organize tasks and prioritize essential activities, a planner can be a transformational tool for your small business. And even if you somehow missed celebrating National Planner Day, it’s never too late to embrace the power of planning to overcome challenges and achieve your entrepreneurial aspirations. So let’s get planning!

Courtney Hayes

Born and raised in the fishing port of Gloucester, MA, I grew up listening to the sea stories of local fishermen. My first job was “chum girl” on my dad’s tuna boat, where I spent my formative years covered in fish guts. Since then, I’ve worked as a researcher, blogger, and writer for documentary films. When not at work, you can find me surfing the cold waters of the North Atlantic or searching for warmer waves around the world.

Courtney writes on a number of topics such as risk assessment, starting a small business, and financial resources.