There’s Room and Space for You: A Look into the Journey of Several Women Small Business Owners

Exhilarating. Frightening. Rewarding. Challenging. Ask an owner what it’s like starting and running their small business and you’re likely to get a variety of responses.

That’s exactly what we did in 2022 at the Simply Business® Women’s Small Business forum. Eight successful women with different backgrounds, businesses, and experiences shared their stories and insights on how they got started, the benefits it has brought to their lives, the challenges they’ve faced, and the success they’ve found.

What we heard about these women owned small businesses was surprising, genuine, and inspiring.

As we celebrate Women’s History Month, we invite you to download and read more about their journey here.

There’s Room and Space for You

A Look into the Journey of Several Women Small Business Owners

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Ed Grasso & Kristin Vegh