Travel Agent Insurance

Accredited America American Builders Insurance Company (ABIC) Arch Insurance biBERK Insurance Cerity Insurance Clear Blue Insurance CNA Insurance Employers Insurance Frank Winston Crum Insurance Harborway Insurance Hiscox Insurance Markel Insurance RLI Insurance SolePro Insurance Travelers Insurance USG Insurance Services, Inc.

Protect Your Business with Insurance for Travel Agents.

As a travel agent, you understand the importance of protecting you and your business from unforeseen circumstances. No matter how much you plan, things can still go wrong.

That’s where Simply Business comes in.

We’re an online insurance platform that makes it easy for travel agents to find personalized insurance coverage options. From general liability insurance plans to professional liability coverage, we’ll help you find the policy that can protect you from the biggest risks you face as a travel agent.

Plus, with us, it’s simple to get the coverage you need. Give us 10 minutes of your time, and we can show you policies that work harder for you and your business.

Ready to get covered?

Business Insurance Policies Available for Travel Agents:

  • Professional liability insurance
  • General liability insurance
  • Workers compensation insurance


  • It can protect your business from certain claims.
  • It can cover damages caused by your negligence.
  • Proof of insurance can help clients feel good about your work.
  • It may be required where you’re located.
A travel agent working with a couple at a laptop

What Types of Insurance Do I Need as a Travel Agent?

Insurance for travel agents can be customized to include various policies, each of which can protect you from common risks and liabilities that the industry often faces.

When building your travel agency’s insurance coverage, we recommend considering these three core policies as part of your foundational plan:

Professional Liability Insurance

No matter if you specialize in planning trips across Europe or anywhere else around the world, your clients trust you to plan the trip of their dreams. They expect you to take their interests and create an itinerary that meets their wishes.

But what if there’s a hiccup in the plan?

That’s where professional liability insurance (PL) can potentially help save your wallet and so much more.

Professional liability insurance for travel agents helps protect you and your business if your clients claim negligence — even if you delivered everything you said you would. Also, even if your employees might have not delivered, PL is there to provide coverage for your business.

So what does this look like in a real-world scenario?

Imagine that you’ve booked a fabulous trip for your clients to Australia. Their bags are packed, they have their tickets, and they’re ready to jet. They arrive at the designated hotel after a long day of traveling only to find out there was an error with the booking and they have to find a different hotel.

They are so upset that they sue you for the mistake and the inconvenience it caused them. You’re left feeling terrible about their experience with your business, on top of wondering how you’re going to foot the bill for a lawsuit and any associated costs.

So what do you do in this situation?

Professional liability insurance would cover the cost of hiring an attorney as well as any other expenses. With this type of coverage, you may not have to dip into your personal finances. That’s why we suggest considering this insurance for travel agents; you could do everything right (or think you did), but things can still go awry.

Here’s what professional liability coverage for travel agents can cover:

  • Negligence or alleged negligence
  • Legal defense costs
  • Omissions or alleged omissions
  • Claims and damages
  • And more

However, PL insurance typically doesn’t cover:

  • Intentional acts and omissions
  • Property damage
  • Medical expenses
  • Bodily injury
  • And more

Commercial General Liability Insurance

If you have an office where clients meet with you to discuss a trip, it’s likely that you’ll need commercial general liability insurance. This policy covers costs associated with third-party accidents, damages to property, and bodily injury to a third party, like a client or vendor.

General liability insurance can protect you from major claims and costs that come with the travel agency industry. For example, the average customer injury or damage claim (something that general liability insurance covers) is around $30,000.

In other words, without general liability insurance, you may have to pay for those costs out of your pocket. No business owner wants to subject themselves or their business to costs of this magnitude.

Think about it: Let’s say you’re scheduled to meet a client in your office to discuss the details of their upcoming trip. The client arrives at your office building, and while walking into your suite, they trip and fall. The injured client is rushed to the hospital and threatens to sue you.

Fortunately for you, your general liability coverage likely will cover the client’s medical bills, as well as legal costs if they take you to court. If you didn’t have GL insurance, you may be personally responsible for those costs.

To recap, here’s what general liability insurance for travel agents typically can cover:

  • Bodily injury to another person
  • Third-party property damage
  • Personal and advertising injury
  • Medical expenses
  • And more

Here’s what general liability insurance usually doesn’t cover:

  • Damage to your own property
  • Professional services
  • Workers compensation or injury to your employees
  • Damage to your work
  • Automobiles while in business use
  • Expected or intentional injury or damage
  • And more

Workers Compensation Insurance

Do you have any full-time, part-time, or even temporary workers? If so, it’s worth looking into workers compensation insurance for several reasons. Workers compensation can cover the costs of any employee injury or illness they sustain while working.

Most states require business owners with employees to have workers compensation coverage, so to be safe, be sure to check your state’s laws. If you’re legally required to carry this type of insurance, you could potentially face fines if you don’t have it.

Plus, it’s estimated that the average work injury cost is about $41,000, with 2018 racking up $170.8 billion in claims. That adds up quickly, especially for a small business.

The bottom line: Having workers compensation insurance is usually a smart business move, even if you employ only a few people.

In general, workers compensation insurance for travel agents can cover:

  • Medical payments
  • Lost wages
  • Rehabilitation expenses
  • Death benefits
A travel agent working with a laptop

Why Should I Get Insurance for My Travel Agency?

You know the importance of protecting yourself from risk — after all, you help your clients determine what trip insurance they should purchase.

Perhaps you aren’t sure if you need travel agency insurance right now. Maybe you’re self-employed, and this type of expense seems out of reach for you at this time.

The truth is, business insurance can be essential to limiting the liability you’re exposed to, even if you’re working from home or you currently have only a few clients.

What happens if a client stops by your office and falls on your walkway? Or if a client is unhappy with your services (even if you did everything right) and sues you?

We can do all we can to minimize the liabilities and risks associated with doing business, but that doesn’t mean they can’t happen. Here are some of the most common incidents that can happen to a small business, including their average costs:

  • Reputational Harm — $50,000
  • Client Injury or Damage — $30,000
  • Client Slip and Fall — $20,000

Those incidents have big price tags. Fortunately, if you have protection with travel agent insurance, your policy could cover some or all of the costs of claims or lawsuits filed against you.

Did you know that up to 43% of small business owners polled reported being threatened with or involved in a civil lawsuit? A client could sue you for claims of negligence or damages they experienced as a result of your services — even if you did everything right.

Don’t put your money and hard work at risk. At Simply Business, we make it easy to find an insurance plan at the right price. Just answer a few questions about your business, and you can compare free quotes from the nation’s top insurers.

Best of all, we can provide you with a certificate of insurance (COI), so you can start showing proof of coverage to clients, vendors, and more.

Question marks

Travel Agent Insurance FAQs

Since travel agent insurance may comprise various business policies, you may be required to carry some coverage, but not others.

For example, your state may require workers compensation coverage if you have employees, but not require you to carry other forms of insurance. Or, if you lease an office, your landlord may contractually require you to carry general liability insurance as part of your lease agreement.

In general, business insurance premiums are tax-deductible by the IRS. It’s best to talk to an accountant if you have questions about your specific business’s deductible expenses.

The amount of coverage your business may need will depend on:

  • The size of your business
  • Your business’s location
  • Your annual revenue and payroll
  • And more

If you aren’t sure what you need, our quote form is designed to recommend insurance plan options for you, based on your business’s needs. And if you have any additional questions, our licensed insurance agents are available to assist you!

If you’re ready to get your free quotes, we recommend having the following information on hand to make the process go as quickly as possible:

  • Annual revenue estimates
  • Payroll estimates
  • Information on any previous claims

It can, as your state may have different insurance requirements for travel agents than others (especially when it comes to workers compensation insurance).

That’s why our quote process works. Our questions can narrow down policies for your business, as well as any requirements your state may have regarding insurance coverage.

Travel agent coverage depends on the policies that are bundled together to meet your business’s needs. For example, if you opt for general liability, professional liability, and workers compensation, insurance for travel agents can cover:

  • Bodily injury
  • Accidents and damages
  • Employee injuries
  • Negligence or alleged negligence
  • And more

The cost of travel agent insurance differs, depending on your business and its needs. But for the most part, you can expect the price of your insurance premiums to be determined by:

  • Payroll and revenue estimates
  • The location of your business
  • The specific services you offer
  • And more

Want to see how much your travel agent insurance may cost? Just click here and get free quotes from some of the top insurers.

A travel agent working with a couple

Why Choose Simply Business?

Simply Business is an online insurance platform that makes it easy to compare the best policies and quotes from top insurers. We’re one of the fastest-growing online providers of small business insurance, and thousands of customers trust us to protect their businesses.

Why choose us? It’s simple:

  • We’re fast and affordable. You have a lot on your plate, and you don’t have time to worry about your insurance coverage. Our policies are fast, affordable, and ready whenever you are.

  • We’re flexible with coverage. Your business changes, so you need an insurance policy that can keep up. We’re here to help make sure you’re protected no matter what your business needs.

  • We get your business. You deserve an insurance policy that understands your business from the inside out. That’s where we come in.

You work hard to grow your travel agent business, and you should have an insurance policy that protects that hard work.

This content is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is not intended to provide legal, tax, accounting, investment, or any other form of professional advice.

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